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Valley Farm Supply is home to Speedrite and Patriot Fence Chargers, TruTest Cattle Cattle Scales and More!
In Virginia, CBF is working with the Virginia Forage and Grassland Council (VFGC)
and Dale Gardner (formerly with the Virginia State Dairymen’s Association) to help Virginia farmers better understand ways they can have healthier cows and more productive farms by adopting innovative grazing practices.
We are targeting outreach to producers in Amelia, Augusta, Buckingham, Nelson, Page, Prince Edward, Rockbridge, Rockingham, and Shenandoah counties. We are looking for farmers who are interested in learning more about rotational grazing and will help farmers navigate the cost-share system to assist with this transition. One of the strengths
of this project is the farmer-to-farmer mentoring that provides real world expertise and advice to those wishing to change to more intensive grazing systems. VFGC is a leader in the Commonwealth in helping farmers learn more about transitioning to rotational grazing (learn more at: vaforages.org). VFGC will again host their highly successful, two-day grazing school for the next three years.
If you want to learn more about grazing, this is the training opportunity for you! School “graduates” receive preferential ranking for EQIP funding.
Other opportunities to learn more about grazing techniques are through field days and VFGC’s annual winter conferences, which will be held at the end of this month in Weyers Cave, Brandy Station, Wytheville, and Blackstone. This year, the conferences will focus on understanding
tall fescue in grazing systems.
We also just released this year’s grazing planning calendar. You can get your copy by stopping by your local NRCS office or calling one of the contacts below.
If you are interested in learning more about grazing in Virginia, please reach out to CBF’s Alston Horn at (540) 487-9060
or VFGC’s/Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Matt Booher at (540) 245-5750.
The one-stop resource to get the latest news and information about Speedrite. Discover Speedrite sponsored events, electric fence clinics, pasture walks, and grazing field days in your community.
Speedrite Chargers
We are Valley Farm Supply. We are a direct source for your livestock fencing needs. We offer SPEEDRITE fence chargers to professional farmers, ranchers as well as hobby farmers. We also handle Patriot, Cyclops, Parmak, Gallagher, and other brands of electric fence chargers, fencing materials, seed, equine items and farm supplies. Please ask if we can supply your farm with the things you need to be successful. We have used and sold speedrite Fence Chargers since their introduction. They are manufactured by Tru-Test, a world leader of superior quality fence chargers. With over 65 years of electric fencing experience, they know what it takes to be successful, and what is right when it comes to your electric fencing needs. speedrite fence chargers are high quality New Zealand made low impedance energizers at an American price. This “go-anywhere” electric fence charger can be used for any type of livestock. They are available in several dual purpose models. Using the power adaptor supplied, the speedrite can be connected to 110 Volt line input. Alternatively, by using the battery leads supplied the speedrite charger can be powered by a 12 Volt battery. Speedrites come with a two year factory warranty. We offer FREE SHIPPING on all speedrite electric fence energizers in the United States. We also ship Worldwide.